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'She needed a hero, so she became one'

As a certified This Naked Mind coach, I use a compassion-led model. This methodology integrates the latest research and science backed evidence on alcohol and behaviour change and guides you to achieve your goals without attaching any labels, judgement, guilt or shame. This is a safe space where you can explore your relationship with alcohol and work towards a life of freedom and joy.

You have the power to take control of your relationship with alcohol. It's a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. I'm here to support and guide you every step of the way.

About Sammie

My name is Sammie, I live in England with my two beautiful children, and I have struggled with drinking for most of my life. I qualified as a Mental Health Nurse in 1994 and more recently have certified as a This Naked Mind coach. I have worked as a substance misuse nurse for over 20 years both in the community and in-patient rehab settings. My desire to coach became ignited having personally completed two of the programmes offered by This Naked Mind to help me change my relationship with alcohol as it was definitely no longer serving me. I was delighted to discover an alternative to the 12 step AA methodology which personally, I had not been able to resonate with as I did not agree with being powerless over my addiction for the rest of my life and wanted a programme that would empower me to take back control over my relationship with alcohol, however that looked to me.

I therefore want to let the world know, there is another way, which I found to be more compassionate and it works! Up until finding This Naked Mind, I used to question whether I was a ‘functioning alcoholic’ (not that I would ever say such a thing out loud). I now realise that I was a ‘Grey Area’ drinker which covers a huge sliding scale of drinking between those drinkers who can ‘take it or leave it’ and those who are physically dependent and require medication to safely stop drinking due to the severe withdrawal symptoms and risk of seizures.


As I turned 50, it struck me how the tireless work of so many women over the years fighting for equal rights has unintentionally increased the amount of pressure on us to be all things to all people – career woman, mother, wife, maybe caring for ageing parents and all whilst being expected to look fabulous! It is easy to see how alcohol is used as a little ‘pick me up’ or to relax from a long, stressful day. Add into the mix, ‘Big Alcohol’ who have been mercilessly targeting women over the past couple of decades to increase their profit margin, and suddenly here comes the explosion of ‘mummy wine culture’. Clever marketing ploys were successfully put into action to take advantage of this opportunity and what began as an innocent way for mums to find support and connection over a ‘harmless’ glass of wine, soon developed a more sinister side, albeit in a quiet, insidious manner. The odd glass of wine spiralling and relatively quickly becoming a daily bottle or two for many. This now meant that on top of all the other pressures and expectations, these women (which included me) found themselves heading towards or already in an unhealthy relationship with alcohol which along with everything else, brings up feelings of guilt, shame, regret, embarrassment and a host of other detrimental mental, emotional and physical health effects.

Online Course

About my services

As a certified This Naked Mind coach, I use the same compassion-led model that was instrumental in me successfully gaining my freedom from alcohol. This methodology integrates the latest research and science backed evidence on alcohol and behaviour change and guides you to achieve your goals without attaching any labels, judgement, guilt or shame.



I meet you exactly where you are on this journey with alcohol. Whether you are still drinking and need support to stop or reduce your drinking, whether you are no longer drinking but continue to struggle with missing the alcohol so do not feel completely free or whether your long-term goal is moderation, I can help support you in your choice.



There are many methods available when considering changing your relationship with alcohol so it can be overwhelming trying to decide the option that is right for you. 


Statement of Integrity

I prioritise a lifestyle centred on wellness and personal growth. I personally have a commitment to maintaining an alcohol-free existence, preferring and embracing the joys of alcohol-free and drug-free living.

I believe in inclusivity and do not discriminate in my practices based on personal choices regarding alcohol consumption. I do not require abstinence from alcohol or drugs from any business partner, business supplier, friends or family.

My ethos promotes respect for individual choices and a supportive environment, both within my business and for the people I serve.


Coaching services are not to be construed as or a replacement for, psychotherapy, legal, financial or medical advice. Anyone quitting alcohol should be in regular contact with their primary medical care provider.

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